Saturday, October 31, 2020

Stroke Live in care | Find Live-in care

Stroke Live in care | Find Live-in care
Have a look at the benefits of having Live-in care for clients with stroke:
• Specialized Stoke after care.
• Person-centred assessment to set unique, achievable goals.
• Support with Physical effects of Stroke such as sight, swallowing, speech and language.
• Support with Psychological effects of Stroke such anxiety and depression.
• Memory aids such as diaries.
• Rehabilitation through Physiotherapy to prevent further Strokes.
• Reassurance for friends and family who are able to visit anytime.
• Choice of what to eat and when, no restrictions.
• Remaining in your own familiar surroundings at home.
Stroke Live in care | Find Live-in care

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Respite Live-in Care

Respite Live-in Care | Find Live-in care
Looking after someone you love, either as a full-time or part-time carer, brings with it a whole range of challenges, some practical and emotional.
Often the biggest challenge is the conflict within the carer themselves of how to reconcile meeting their own needs, with the needs of the person they are looking after.
Being able to provide care to someone in their own home has a huge number of advantages for that person.
Respite Live-in Care in Birmingham