Thursday, April 8, 2021

Live in care services in Brentford

Live in care services in Brentford
In order for respite care to work effectively, the carer must have trust that the person coming in to provide care can do so in a safe and effective way. Without this level of trust, the carer is likely to be reluctant to allow anyone else to take over. We work with local care providers, who can provide live-in care services, in order to develop relationship with carers that allow this trust to develop.
We will make sure that anyone providing respite live in care has all the necessary professional and personal qualities needed to work effectively. This can include things such as:
- Making sure the respite carer has an up-to-date DBS check.
- All mandatory training is up to date - first aid, manual handling, medication, safeguarding of adults.
- Atleast two, ideally three current references.
- A significant level of experience in providing respite live-in care.
- Ideally, an opportunity for the regular carer to meet with the respite carer before commencing work.
We handpick providers to make sure that they are of the highest quality and are able to provide the care that is needed, when it is needed most.
Live in care services in Brentford

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

World Health Day

World Health Day
Most people value their own independence in life, often more so the older they get. However, there can come a time when people feel that their independence is under threat, either because their own personal circumstances change, their health begins to deteriorate, or they fear they may not be able to live on their own any more.
World Health Day

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Live in care services in Richmond, UK

Live in care services in Richmond, UK
It is critical for the well-being of the carer, and the person they are looking after, that the carer has time off. This may be a having a couple of days off or weekends off
However sensible this advice may be, carers are often reluctant to take time off and feel a degree of guilt if they do. This is why it is crucial to find the right respite care provider The main benefit of respite care is that someone can come in and take over the duty that the carer does, for any specific length of time. This not only gives the carer a real break, but often helps the person being looked after as well. They are often aware of the stress that their situation puts on the carer, and welcome the fact that they are getting a break. It is worth making the comparison with the advice given on airlines, about someone putting on their own oxygen mask first before they start to help other people.
It is not selfish to pay attention to your own needs, not least of all because it allows you to look after other people more effectively.
Please feel free to give us a no obligation call on 0345-512-0075 to discuss your care needs or email us on and we will be happy to help.
Live in care services in Richmond, UK

Monday, April 5, 2021

Find live in care services in UK

Find live in care services in UK
Have a look at the responsibilities on the following post-stroke care elements by Find live in care:
• Concentrating on immediate post-stroke concerns, such as breathing, balance, cognition, emotions, blood clots, and dehydration.
• Helping you or your loved ones to respond to intermediate post-stroke concerns, such as eating and digestive issues, muscle weakness, seizures, pressure ulcers, speech issues, swallowing, vision, and hearing issues.
• Encouraging you or your loved ones to move and perform self-care tasks, such as eating and getting out of bed and monitoring post stroke progress.
• Providing emotional support to you or your loved ones.
• Keeping eye on safety of the home, observing living areas are safe, and rooms and stairs well lit. Comfortable, and supportive environment of the house is maintained.
• Assisting you or your loved ones progress, monitoring recovery and administering medications.
• Helping to understand the best practices in home care regarding post-stroke care, and supporting the client and family members coping with it.
• Helping with the important activities of daily living: bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, and transferring/mobility.
• Following the client-specific care plan and recommending updates, as needed.
• Helping to make sure that the you or your loved one takes all prescribed medicines and follows suggestions from program staff about diet, exercise, rest, and other health practices.
• Helping with communication, if you or your loved one has speech problems. Including the stroke survivor in conversations even when you or your loved one cannot actively participate.
• It’s important to eat well to nourish your body after stroke. Facilitating proper nutrition and hydration, and preparing meals appropriate to post-stroke care.
• Light housekeeping and laundry
Find live in care services in Uk

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Companion Live In Care

Companion Live In Care | Find Live-in care
Most people value their own independence in life, often more so the older they get. However, there can come a time when people feel that their independence is under threat, either because their own personal circumstances change, their health begins to deteriorate, or they fear they may not be able to live on their own any more. Having a live-in companion can be the ideal solution. It allows the person to maintain their independence, carry on living in their own home, and receive any support they might need.People sometimes worry that having a companion may in some way curtail their independence or privacy.Normally, if the right processes are followed in terms of choosing the companion, this rarely happens. In fact quite the opposite. A live-in companion can balance the person's life perfectly, so long as care is put into the recruitment and selection process. Please feel free to give us a no obligation call on 0345-512-0075 to discuss your care needs or email us on and we will be happy to help.
Companion Live In Care | Find Live-in care

Friday, April 2, 2021

Live in care services in UK

Live in care services in UK
It can be extremely difficult when you start to become unable to complete certain tasks on your own. Perhaps it has been down to a recent injury, or perhaps it's just due to the natural ageing process, but, as we age, it becomes increasingly common to need some form of help. Live-in care is perhaps the most specialised form of elderly care you can choose, and requires a highly empathetic care approach that is built around trust.
Trust is imperative in a live-in care setting. Having another adult residing in your home takes a great deal of trust and therefore taking the time and care to find the right person is vital. Our live-in care providers have been fully vetted and have multiple recommendations for providing high quality care - so that you can be assured that you or your family member is in the best hands.
Please feel free to give us a no obligation call on 0345-512-0075 to discuss your care needs or email us on and we will be happy to help.
Live in care services in UK